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titanic ship mystery

On 14 April 1912 ago, a catastrophic shipwreck, in 1500 claimed human lives and change the fate of countless families.
Luxury yacht giant steam-powered built along 269 meters of England, is the largest ship at that time. Titanic is famous for its sturdy steel construction, because it is claimed that the ship could not sink. In its maiden voyage from Southampton, (UK) to New York (United States), the fate of the Titanic was doomed. Nights ago on 14 April 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg large in Grand Banks, Newfoundland. Board the ship suffered severe damage, thousands of tons of sea water seeping into the ship hold. Until finally sinking after the hull is cut off 2 of the center. because there are not enough lifeboats, so only about 700 people who helped in the 1311 passengers and 897 crew were on the Titanic.
In 1985, people finally managed to find the position of the sinking of the ship, in the deep seabed approximately 1260 meters in the Atlantic sea floor, they found the ship had been cut 2 parts, stuck upright on the seabed. Shipwreck ruins have been destroyed completely eroded sea water, podiums, poles and deck on the stern of the ship before the ship was gone.
The castle that floats on the seaThe majestic Titanic is the most luxurious cruise ships at the time. First-class rooms are packed in a classical style, also designed aboard the luxurious halls of friendship, restaurant, fitness room, cafe and a swimming pool, an elegant private cabin space even equipped with antiques and other istalasi. Great Staircase can be said as the installation of the most amazing in all of the Titanic. The whole of the Titanic can be said as a castle floating on the sea at the time, so luxurious and elegant, but all this can not change the tragic fate. Titanic art exhibition ever held in San Francisco, USA. To date, the event of losses to a luxury cruise ship Titanic dramatic, is one of the most frightening disaster in shipping history.
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